Story Time!
written and narrated by Elsie Guerrero.
How Emily and Eli Created A Business
Emily and Eli have been inseparable since they met. They are both good at counting money, so Eli suggested that Emily start a business with him. However, Eli did not realize how difficult it was going to be to create a business that Emily can do. Together, they explore different ideas until they found the right business to create.
Bringing Back History
Students at Bell Gardens Elementary School did not know how impactful their voices were until they had Ms. Hiatt as their teacher. In her class, they learned about the Great Depression of the 1930s and soon realized that the history book did not mention people that looked like them, Mexican Americans. Curious about the topic, the students began to do research and created plays, poems, book reports, and videos to present to students and teachers at their school. Their lives soon changed when an opportunity arose from Assemblymember Cristina Garcia's contest 'There Ought to be a Law.' Come learn what happens next after they participate in the contest.
Dancing Luna
Luna wants to take dance classes like her older sister but needs to obtain good grades first before her mother is willing to enroll her in dance class. Luna is challenged when she finds out she is dyslexic and has to learn new ways to get the grades she needs to take dance classes.
A Brother and Sister Love
Valeria is a young girl who shares the characteristics of her brother, Alberto who has autism. Valeria loves her brother so much, she wants the world to know how unique he is.